Aura Components: Still Alive & Kicking!

Do you know about Lightning Aura Components? These are still a part of Salesforce, and even though they’re not as popular as they once were, they’re still important. I work for a company that uses them a lot, and we don’t want to change them. This is because the newer version called LWC can’t do everything that Aura components can.

In the past months, I’ve been busy working with Aura components. I’m not upset about it. In fact, I enjoy the challenges my job brings. I think working with Aura components is fun, and I like solving problems with them.

But, I’ve noticed there aren’t many resources to help people learn how to make or fix these components. Even my own online class about them has been taken down. But don’t worry! You can still find the class and learn about Lightning Aura Components if you click on this link.

I also have a place online where you can find examples of how to use them. And, I’ve written a few posts about the class that you can find from this article.

I plan to write more about the problems I face while working with these components. I might even create more examples for you to use. I hope this helps other people who are also working with Aura components.

Aura components were used for 5 years before LWC came out. That means a lot of them were made during that time.

I hope that Salesforce sees this and works on making LWC better. Right now, it can’t do everything it needs to.

Moving to Lightning? Should you learn about Aura or LWC?

I have had a few people ask me this question and I think it is a good one, so I wanted to answer it in a post. First of all, for anyone not sure what the difference is between Aura and LWC, you might want to checkout this post I did.

As for the answer….wait for it…..It depends. It depends on:

  1. How experienced you are as a Developer with JavaScript and HTML5, or modern development tools such as Visual Studio Code, Command Line Interfaces, GitHub? If you are very experienced and have even done work with React or Angular, then I would suggest starting with LWC’s. Developing with Aura components is a legacy method that Salesforce is not actively enhancing.
  2. HOWEVER, If you are supporting or might be supporting a legacy Salesforce org? Knowing about Aura (and even Visualforce) is a very valuable skill set to have. For example, if you are doing work for a large org that is currently using many Aura components and there is no need to change these components, then having that Aura skillset can be invaluable. If you want to learn about Aura components, you night want to check out this course I did on Pluralsight. Most importantly, as of early 2023, LWC’s cannot be used to override standard buttons.

Like Salesforce Evangelists, I do think that LWC’s are the better alternative in terms of component performance, but if all you need to build are very simple components, then there is no reason why you cannot start with Aura and transition to LWC’s. To be entirely honest, LWC’s are more challenging to create for developers that are not already familiar with modern web development.

I hope this post helps anyone not sure about which technology to approach first. Feel free to reach out to me if you have additional questions or concerns.


Lightning Tip: Always Create Admin Friendly Lightning Components

In case you did not realize, Salesforce Lightning components can be one of two flavors:

  1. Aura components – Launched in 2015 and up until early 2019 were called Lightning components.
  2. Lightning web components (LWC’s) – Launched in 2019 and are considered the future of Salesforce development.

Design for Configurability

Whichever flavor you select, the tip in this post applies to both Aura components and the new Lightning web components.

So what does creating Admin friendly Lightning components mean?

In a nutshell, it means making your component as configureable as possible to anyone using it to assemble Lightning pages using Lightning App Builder. This is done by using a meta configuration file for LWC’s or a design resource file for Aura components.

Whichever flavor you chose, the tip in this post applies to both Aura components and the new Lightning web components.

To give you an example of how that is done for LWC’s, let’s look at the code for the eBikes sample app, which can be found here for the LWC version. This is what the HTML for that component looks like:

    <div class="slds-card slds-p-around_x-small">
        <template if:true={searchBarIsVisible}>
                label="Search Key"
        <template if:true={}>
            <template if:true={}>
                <div class="content">
            <template if:false={}>
                    message="There are no products matching your current selection"
        <template if:true={products.error}>
            <c-error-panel errors={products.error}></c-error-panel>

And here is the JavaScript controller file:

import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';

// Ligthning Message Service and message channels
import { publish, subscribe, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import PRODUCTS_FILTERED_MESSAGE from '@salesforce/messageChannel/ProductsFiltered__c';
import PRODUCT_SELECTED_MESSAGE from '@salesforce/messageChannel/ProductSelected__c';

// getProducts() method in ProductController Apex class
import getProducts from '@salesforce/apex/ProductController.getProducts';

 * Container component that loads and displays a list of Product__c records.
export default class ProductTileList extends LightningElement {
     * Whether to display the search bar.
     * TODO - normalize value because it may come as a boolean, string or otherwise.
    @api searchBarIsVisible = false;

     * Whether the product tiles are draggable.
     * TODO - normalize value because it may come as a boolean, string or otherwise.
    @api tilesAreDraggable = false;

    /** Current page in the product list. */
    pageNumber = 1;

    /** The number of items on a page. */

    /** The total number of items matching the selection. */
    totalItemCount = 0;

    /** JSON.stringified version of filters to pass to apex */
    filters = {};

    /** Load context for Ligthning Messaging Service */
    @wire(MessageContext) messageContext;

    /** Subscription for ProductsFiltered Ligthning message */

     * Load the list of available products.
    @wire(getProducts, { filters: '$filters', pageNumber: '$pageNumber' })

    connectedCallback() {
        // Subscribe to ProductsFiltered message
        this.productFilterSubscription = subscribe(
            (message) => this.handleFilterChange(message)

    handleProductSelected(event) {
        // Published ProductSelected message
        publish(this.messageContext, PRODUCT_SELECTED_MESSAGE, {
            productId: event.detail

    handleSearchKeyChange(event) {
        this.filters = {
        this.pageNumber = 1;

    handleFilterChange(message) {
        this.filters = { ...message.filters };
        this.pageNumber = 1;

    handlePreviousPage() {
        this.pageNumber = this.pageNumber - 1;

    handleNextPage() {
        this.pageNumber = this.pageNumber + 1;

Notice that the searchBarIsVisible and titlesAreDraggable properties use the @api decorator and that the developer has kindly added a TODO comment here suggesting that the normalized value may come as a boolean, string or otherwise.

The reason the values may some across differently is because these two properties are configureable in the design file, but only for Record Pages and Community default pages. This means that anyone can use Lightning App Builder to change those values (well, at least for Record and Community Default pages).

To see how this is done, let’s take a look at the meta configuration file for this component:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
    <masterLabel>Product Tile List</masterLabel>
        <targetConfig targets="lightning__RecordPage">
                label="Search bar visible"
                label="Product tiles are draggable"
        <targetConfig targets="lightningCommunity__Default">
                label="Search bar visible"
                label="Product tiles are draggable"

Notice there are two targetConfig entries. One is for lightning__RecordPage and the other is for lightningCommunity__Default, but they both define the same properties. Even though these properties have default values of false, anyone assembling the pages for the two targeted page types can change these values in Lightning App Builder.

Consider this Change to the Configuration

Not to be too critical, but I can see room for improvement in the way the productTileList component was configured. After all, there is always room for improvement in anything we do, right?

The first change I would make is to add a description for all the targetConfig properties. The description is typically a short sentence, but it appears as a tooltip in Lightning App Builder. This sentence could be used to indicate to the app assembler that the property value should be either true or false and not any other value perhaps?

The end result would look something like the following (notice the tooltip on the right):

Lightning App Builder used to configure the productTileList component.
Lightning App Builder used to configure the productTileList component.

For more tips about what you can do to make your components configureable, check out this great developer doc page.

New Pluralsight Course: Getting Started Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components

I am very proud to announce the release of my latest Pluralsight course, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components“. This is actually a total re-write of my most popular course, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components”, released in 2017. The key word change in the title is the addition of the word, “Aura“.

New Pluralsight Course, which includes working with VS Code and the CLI
New Pluralsight Course, which includes working with VS Code and the CLI

This course is different because at the time that course was released, Lightning Components were not called Lightning Aura Components AND most importantly, the new modern toolset known as Salesforce DX was not yet available. There were also no Lightning Web Components available yet.

I personally believe that for many developers, transitioning to LWC would be much easier if they were to first learn to build simple Aura components using the new modern tools first.

In this course, all those great shiny new tools will be used to build very simple Aura Lightning Components. The original course used the online Developer Console, which is what Trailhead still uses in all their content about Aura Components. On Trailhead, the new tools are only used for Lightning Web Components.

So, if you want to learn about building Aura Components, while also embracing the new modern toolset, this course is perfect for you. And if you want to learn about Lightning Web Components (LWC’s), then you can check out the “Building Your First Lightning Web Component (LWC) for Salesforce” course that I released earlier this year.

Either way, you will be knowledgeable in all the latest that Salesforce has to offer. I personally believe that for some developers, transitioning to LWC would be much easier if they were to first learn to build simple Aura components using the new modern tools first.

This course includes a GitHub Repo that features all the code covered in the course. The material covered includes the following:

Understanding the Lightning Component Framework

Refer to the following blog post #1 . In this post/Pluralsight module), you will learn:

  1. Who Should be Building Aura Components?
  2. Where Can Aura Components Be Used?
  3. Anatomy of an Aura Component Bundle
  4. Creating an Aura Component Bundle

Creating Aura Components with the Salesforce CLI

Refer to the following blog post # 2 .

  1. Using an Interactive Development Environment (IDE)
  2. Getting Setup with an IDE
  3. Understanding Salesforce DX (SFDX)
  4. Creating an Aura Component in Visual Studio (VS) Code
  5. Exposing Aura Components to Lightning App Builder

Working with Data

Refer to the following blog post # 3 .

  1. Working with Controllers
  2. Working with Apex and DML
  3. Creating a New Open Cases Component
  4. Using the CLI to Load Data to Scratch Org
  5. Enforcing Apex Security
  6. What About Caching and Usability?

Working with Record Forms

Refer to the following blog post # 4 .

  1. Working with Record Form Base Lightning Components
  2. Creating a New Quick Case Component
  3. Creating Quick Actions

Working with Salesforce Mobile

Refer to the following blog post # 5 .

  1. Working with the new Salesforce Mobile App
  2. Using the Salesforce Mobile App QuickStart Page
  3. Wrapping Up

Post 4 – Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components Series

This will be the fourth of a series of posts I will be doing over the next few weeks. This particular post will cover working with the Record Form Base Lightning Component. The series will all lead up to the introduction of my new course titled, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components” from Pluralsight. This course is a total re-write of my most popular course, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components: Getting Started“, which was released back in early 2017. It will focus on using the new modern toolset that Salesforce offers as part of Salesforce DX.

Working with Record Forms

The recordEditForm and recordViewForm components have been around for a while, but the recordForm component was introduced in Summer 18 and was a big improvement. In fact, I was so impressed with this component, I wrote about it on this blog.

The recordForm component represents the best of two other components and essentially merges them into one. This means you will need to write less JavaScript code in the form of handlers, such as onload and onsubmit because the new component will handle these automatically.

Along with less markup, since you will not have to use lightning:input or lightning:output, along with cancel and submit buttons. They are provided for you automatically. And finally, the recordForm component is exposable to more platforms, which at this time includes Lightning Experience, Lightning Communities, Salesforce Mobile App, along with Lightning Out combined with Visualforce.

And the Drawbacks? Well, it is slightly less flexible and as of now, there is a known issue involving validation that I hope you consider voting for (since that is the only way Salesforce will fix it).

Creating a New Quick Case Component

In this section, I will show you how to build a component that let’s users quickly create a new case. The end result will be a component like this:

Quick Case Create Component
Quick Case Create Component

This component will use the recordForm base lightning component. Here is the code for the markup:

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickAction" 
    <aura:attribute name="fields" type="String[]" default="['Status','AccountId',
                                    'ContactId','Origin','Type','Reason','Subject']" />
    <aura:attribute name="reqFields" type="String[]" default="['Origin','Status']" />
    <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String"/>
    <lightning:notificationsLibrary aura:id="notifLib"/>

    <lightning:card iconName="standard:case" title="Quick Case Create" >
        <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
            <lightning:recordForm objectApiName="Case" 
                          onsuccess="{!c.handleSuccess}"  />

And here is the code for the client-side controller. Note that it includes a commented method that would handle validation, since the component unfortunately does not do this (at this time – refer to issue above). I don’t really consider this a workaround, since the whole purpose of the component was to eliminate the need for the additional code. I personally think Salesforce needs to fix it, and hope you agree.

    handleSuccess : function(cmp, event, helper) {
            "variant": "success",
            "title": "Case Created",
            "message": "Record ID: " + event.getParam("id")
    // },
    // handleValidation : function(cmp, event, helper) {
    //     // NOTE: This method will handle validation if you specify which field to check for specifically, which is 
    //     //  not a good workaround since the component should handle this for you without the need to write
    //     //  all this unecessary code (especially since the whole point of the component is to lessen the
    //     //  amount of code that needs to be written). That is why it was not mentioned in the actual course.
    //     var evtFields = event.getParam("fields");
    //     var reqField = 'Origin';
    //     if (evtFields.hasOwnProperty(reqField)) {
    //         event.preventDefault();  //Stops the record from being created
    //         cmp.find('notifLib').showToast({
    //             "variant": "error",
    //             "header": "Error was encountered",
    //             "message": "The following field is required: " + reqField
    //         });
    //     } 


The code includes the notifications base lightning component. This is used to alert the user with a toast message when the case was added successfully.

Creating Quick Actions

In addition to including this component on the Sales Home page, I exposed it as a quick action and then created a global action using the following steps in Setup.

  1. In Quick Find, type “global” and select Global Actions.
  2. Click New Action.
  3. Select “Lightning Component” as the Action Type.
  4. Select the quickCase component from the drop down list.
  5. Enter a label as “Quick Case Create” and tab to next line.
  6. Click Save to Finish.

After creating the global action, you still need to add the new action to the Publishers layout, which you do using the following steps:

  1. In Quick Find, type “Publisher” and select Publisher Layout.
  2. Click Edit to modify the default layout.
  3. Select “Mobile and Quick Actions”.
  4. Scroll down to the section for Salesforce Mobile and click the override the predefined actions link.
  5. Drag the Quick Case Create action onto the section.
  6. Click Save to finish.

In the next and final post, I will go over the newly redesigned Salesforce Mobile App.

Post 2 – Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components series

This will be the second of a series of posts I will be doing over the next few weeks. They will all lead up to the introduction of my new course titled, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components” from Pluralsight. This course is a total re-write of my most popular course, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components: Getting Started“, which was released back in 2017. It will focus on using the new modern toolset that Salesforce offers as part of Salesforce DX.

Using an Interactive Development Environment (IDE)

For most modern web developers, their Interactive Development Environment (IDE) is a key to their success. For Salesforce developers, the best choice for an IDE is the Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code.

If you have been a Salesforce developer for a while, then this may be new to you. You may be familiar with the IDE or Interactive Development Environment for Eclipse, which is incidentally not being supported by Salesforce any more.

Salesforce Extension Pack for VS Code
Salesforce Extension Pack for VS Code

Getting Setup with an IDE

To use the IDE, you will first need to install the latest version of Visual Studio Code. After this has been installed, you can open it up and click the extensions icon on the left toolbar.

Install Salesforce Extension Pack by clicking Extensions Icon
Install Salesforce Extension Pack by clicking Extensions Icon

You will also need to install the Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI). This powerful command line interface allows you to do several things with your Salesforce org, such as:

  • Build and load source code (such as Aura components, Apex classes, Lightning Web Components and).
  • Export data from any Salesforce org and import it into your scratch org, which is a temporary org that has no data loaded by default.
  • Execute both Apex server-side and client-side JavaScript tests.

Once you get used to working with the Salesforce Extensions, you might want to check out the GitHub repo, since it is open source. You can get a lot of information about the extensions on the ReadMe page, as well and browse the useful Wiki and Issues tabs.

Understanding Salesforce DX (SFDX)

Salesforce DX represents a whole new set of developer tools. They represent a source-driven development model, which is considered more modern. It is all built around the CLI, which you just learned about. Most importantly it represents a new way of Salesforce development now known as “Packaging Development”.

Prior to packaging development, the only way developers had to deploy their code was to package it up in a Sandbox org and then deploy it to production. This made the salesforce org the “source of truth”, as developers like to call it. But the new model moves the source of truth from the org to a version control system, like Git.

Before you can create any Aura components in VS Code, you will need to do the following things first:

  1. Authorize a DevHub org using either the command palette or the sfdx force:auth:web:login CLI command.
  2. Create a Salesforce project using either the command palette or the sfdx force:project:create CLI command.
  3. Create a scratch org using either the command palette or the sfdx force:org:create CLI command.

Creating an Aura Component in Visual Studio (VS) Code

After you have authorized your DevHub and created a project, you can create an Aura component, by browsing to the Aura folder, right-clicking and selecting “SFDX: Create Lightning Component”.

Creating Aura Component in VS Code
Creating Aura Component in VS Code

Here is the markup code for a very basic component that can be used to update a users mobile phone number.

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
	<lightning:card  title="Update Cell Number">
        <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
            <lightning:input aura:id="phone" type="tel" label="Cell Phone Number" name="phone" placeholder="343-343-3434" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}"/>
	    <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Submit" title="Submit" onclick="{! c.handleClick }" />        

And here is the JavaScript for the controller , in which the component will begin by only being able to create a windows alter that displays the number entered when the user clicks Submit.

handleClick : function (cmp, event, helper) {
        alert('phone: ' + cmp.find("phone").get("v.value"));

Exposing Aura Components to Lightning App Builder

The main thing you will need in order to expose your new component to Lightning App Builder is the following attributes on the required aura:component tag:

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >

But in order to make the component more usable to Admins that might build Lightning Pages using these components, it is a good idea to always include a design resource, such as this:

<design:component label="Update Cell Number">
    <design:Attribute name="placeholder" label="Placeholder" placeholder="343-343-3434" />

This will mean that you will also have to make a change to the component markup to add a new Aura attribute such as this:

<aura:attribute name="placeholder" type="String" default="343-343-3434"/>

And you will need to make another change to the lightning:input base lightning component, in which the expression syntax is used, such as this:

<lightning:input aura:id="phone" type="tel" label="Cell Phone Number" name="phone" placeholder="{!v.placeholder}" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}"/>

You can then save all your changes and push them to the scratch org using either the command palette or the sfdx force:source:push CLI command. You will also need to open the scratch org using either the command palette or the sfdx force:org:open CLI command.

One the org is open, to add the new component to the Sales home page, use App Launcher to go to the Sales app and then click the gear icon and select Edit Page.

Edit Page is used to access Lightning App Builder
Edit Page is used to access Lightning App Builder

You can then just scroll down the list of components until you get to the custom ones and drag the Update Cell Number one onto the design surface.

To finish you just need to save and activate the changes. You can then use the Back button to go back to the Sales home page and see the final component.

Update Cell Number Component, so far
Update Cell Number Component, so far

In the next post, this component will be improved on and tied to the Salesforce database.

Stay Tuned…

Post 1 – Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components series

This will be the first of a series of posts I will be doing over the next few weeks. They will all lead up to the introduction of my new course titled, “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components” from Pluralsight. This course is a total re-write of my most popular course (so far), “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components: Getting Started“, which was released back in 2017. It will focus on using the new modern toolset that Salesforce offers as part of Salesforce DX.

Understanding the Lightning Component Framework

Lightning components (now called Aura components) were introduced in 2014. At that time, the web standards that existed offered only a limited amount of what developers needed and that is why Salesforce built them on top of the Aura Framework. It was basically, to compensate for what the standards lacked.

Flash forward to 2019 and a LOT has changed in the web development world. That is why in 2019, Salesforce announced the release of Lightning Web Components (LWC’s). It was also at that time that the original Lightning Components were renamed to Aura Components. They co-exist and are completely interoperable with LWC’s.

Who Should be Building Aura Components?

It probably will not surprise you to know that Salesforce developers are perfect for this, but what you might not realize is that so are junior Salesforce developers.

Salesforce Developer
Senior or Junior Salesforce Developers

Another group you may not think of is Salesforce Administrators. You see, Aura components are way simpler to create then Lightning Web Components. Yes, they do still require the developer to know a little about HTML and JavaScript, but since the introduction of Lightning components back in 2014, they have gotten a lot simpler to work with. So, as long as the Admin is seasoned and may even consider themselves as a Super Admin, then I think they too can embrace creating Aura components.

Salesforce Super Admins

Where Can Aura Components Be Used?

Lightning pages

This includes App pages, Home and Record Pages, and even a new Embedded Service Page. The embedded service page will not be covered in this course, but the app and home pages will.

Wizard from Lightning App Builder
Wizard from Lightning App Builder

salesforce mobile app

In late 2019, Salesforce launched a new and completely redesigned Salesforce Mobile App. You can learn more about it by visiting the New Salesforce Mobile App Quickstart in Setup. This will be covered in the final module on “Creating Components for Salesforce Mobile”.

Access the New Salesforce Mobile App QuickStart from Setup
Access the New Salesforce Mobile App QuickStart from Setup

Other places

These other areas are beyond the scope of this course, but just so you are aware, there is also:

  1. Quick Actions
  2. Stand-alone apps
  3. Inside Visualforce pages
  4. On other platforms such as Heroku, using Lightning Out

Anatomy of an Aura Component Bundle

An Aura component can be made up of several physical files that reside in what is known as a component bundle. Even though there are 8 files that can make up a component bundle, most simple components will only need to access a couple:

  1. Component or Markup file – Uses a .cmp file extension and is a required file and there can only be one per bundle. All markup must be encased in an <aura:component> tag and can include references to other components.
  2. Controller or JavaScript file – Uses a .js file extension and will contain all the client-side methods needed to handle events in your component.

Creating an Aura Component Bundle

The easiest way to create an Aura component is using the online Developer Console. This will be covered only once in this first module. The rest of the course will cover creating bundles using the new modern toolsets.

You can access the Developer Console by logging into a Developer org, click the gear icon and select Developer Console.

Access the online Developer Console
Access the online Developer Console

This will launch a new window and from here, you can go to File -> New -> Lightning Component.

Create a new Lightning Component in Developer Console
Create a new Lightning Component in Developer Console

The initial component I will show viewers how to build is very simple and will be used by Salespeople to update their cell number. From the New Lightning Bundle dialog, you only need to enter the name “updateCellNumber” and select the Lightning Tab and Lightning Page checkboxes in Component Configuration. And finally click Submit.

Create new Lightning Bundle in Developer Console
Create new Lightning Bundle in Developer Console

The component markup will be very simple to begin with and will include 3 Lightning Base Components. as the course progresses, this component, along with others will be expanded upon.

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
  <lightning:card title="Update Cell Number">
    <p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">
      <lightning:input aura:id="phone" type="tel" label="Cell Phone Number" name="phone" placeholder="343-343-3434" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}"/>
      <lightning:button variant="brand" label="Submit" title="Submit" onclick="{! c.handleClick }" />        

The JavaScript will also be simple to begin with and will only be used to display the phone number in a Windows Alert box.

	handleClick : function (cmp, event, helper) {
        alert('phone: ' + cmp.find("phone").get("v.value"));


Stay tuned for the remaining modules and posts in the next few weeks. All leading up to the release of the Pluralsight course.

New Upcoming Pluralsight Course on Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components

I am VERY happy to announce that I am very close to releasing a new Pluralsight course called “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Aura Components”. Well, kind of a new course.

Upcoming New Pluralsight Course

It is a total re-write of my most popular course (so far), “Customizing Salesforce with Lightning Components: Getting Started“, which was released back in 2017. That was right before Salesforce DX was released and all the other modern developer tools that Salesforce now promotes (for very good reasons).

In this course, all those great shiny new tools will be used to build very simple Aura Lightning Components, as they are now called. The original course used the online Developer Console, which is what Trailhead uses in all their content about Aura Components. On Trailhead, the new tools are only used for Lightning Web Components.

So, if you want to learn about building Aura Components, while also embracing the new modern toolset, this course is perfect for you. And if you want to learn about Lightning Web Components (LWC’s), then you can check out the “Building Your First Lightning Web Component (LWC) for Salesforce” course that I released earlier this year.

Both courses use the new tools, like:

Salesforce DX

Salesforce Command Line Interface

Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Starting next week, I will be releasing a series of weekly blog posts that will feature what content will be covered in each Pluralsight module, followed by an announcement of the courses release.

So, keep an eye out for that.

Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce Pluralsight Course is Live!!!

I am so excited to finally announce that my new Pluralsight course, “Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce” course is Live!

New Pluralisght course "Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce"

The development of this course was a labor of love for me and I have to admit something I worked so hard on. I would not compromise the quality for anything (including the three deadlines I missed). Luckily, I was working with some of the best editors in the world (huge shout out to Bentley Lignell, Stacy Sohn and Austin Allen).

As for the course, it covers the following:

  • LWC Benefits and what are Web Components
  • Setting up you development environment with Salesforce, Visual Studio Code and Salesforce DX
  • Component Design using Custom DOM events
  • Working with Salesforce Data using the Wire Adapter and Debugging with Chrome Developer Tools
  • Converting Aura components and lessons I learned
  • Testing your JavaScript with Jest

In the course, we will be building an application that will look like this:

Lead Locator LWC app

If you are looking for the final code created in this course, you can find it here.

For anyone that might not be a Pluralsight subscriber yet, here is a link to a free 10-day trial.

And finally, please feel free to send me your feedback on the course. Good or bad. I appreciate it all because it helps me to develop better content that meets your needs.

Post 5 – Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce Series

This will be the fifth of a series of posts I will be doing over the next few weeks. They will all lead up to the introduction of my new course in January 2020 titled, “Building Your First Lightning Web Component for Salesforce” from Pluralsight. These posts will contain final code snippets of the code used in each course module, but will not include all the tips and best practices about using Visual Studio Code and SFDX, along with the way I personally approach teaching in my video courses.

Converting Aura Components to Lightning Web Components

In this module, I will be sharing things I learned based on mistakes I made when I first converted an Aura app to LWC’s. This was the result of that attempt.

For a while I intended to use what I did in that first converted app for this course, but luckily for you, I did not. Instead, I contacted my friend Kevin Hill (@KevinJHill) at Salesforce and he volunteered to review my app. He politely suggested that I make a few changes and thank goodness I did.

The biggest mistake I made was not fully accepting this inevitable truth at first:

“The LWC programming model is fundamentally different than the Aura model”

That message is so important to your success with LWC’s, so here it is again:

I did finally accept this and therefore re-designed the solution I ended up using for this course. The version I will show in the course may look similar to the original version, but underneath it is different and if you watch the course you will even get to see performance results that demonstrate that.

The talented developers at Salesforce (which included Kevin Hill and many others), did an incredible job creating Lightning Web Components. If you attempt to just blindly convert an Aura app to an LWC without accepting that the programming model is different, then you will not get the performance advantages that it provides. And imho, that is like spitting in the face of those GREAT developers at Salesforce.

So, please do not do that. And I hope you watch my course when it is released soon. It is almost finished.