Aura Components: Still Alive & Kicking!

Do you know about Lightning Aura Components? These are still a part of Salesforce, and even though they’re not as popular as they once were, they’re still important. I work for a company that uses them a lot, and we don’t want to change them. This is because the newer version called LWC can’t do everything that Aura components can.

In the past months, I’ve been busy working with Aura components. I’m not upset about it. In fact, I enjoy the challenges my job brings. I think working with Aura components is fun, and I like solving problems with them.

But, I’ve noticed there aren’t many resources to help people learn how to make or fix these components. Even my own online class about them has been taken down. But don’t worry! You can still find the class and learn about Lightning Aura Components if you click on this link.

I also have a place online where you can find examples of how to use them. And, I’ve written a few posts about the class that you can find from this article.

I plan to write more about the problems I face while working with these components. I might even create more examples for you to use. I hope this helps other people who are also working with Aura components.

Aura components were used for 5 years before LWC came out. That means a lot of them were made during that time.

I hope that Salesforce sees this and works on making LWC better. Right now, it can’t do everything it needs to.

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