Tips for passing Salesforce AI Associate exam

I just passed the Salesforce Certified AI Associate exam. The exam is only 40 questions and costs only $75 US Dollars, so why not?

Of all the Salesforce certification tests I have taken, this was honestly the easiest. But, you should still prepare. As long as you use this Trailhead Trailmix, you should be fine.

I went through the majority of the trailmix. The Modules are good, but I suggest studying these docs specifically:

Good luck as your prepare for the exam, but don’t think you need a data science degree or math training to do it. You don’t.

2 thoughts on “Tips for passing Salesforce AI Associate exam

  1. Your welcome. If you review those docs I put links to thoroughly, you should be fine. There is plenty of time and there are only 3 choices, so also just use common sense.

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